Crowd Funding through donation:
As you may be aware, there is currently some turmoil in the Australian dairy industry. The last thing we want to see is Mackay's local milk supply run dry, so we are bringing back the milko, rather, upgrading our facility to provide a constant supply of pasteurised milk fresh from Eungella. Eungelladale is run by Dale and Paula Fortescue adjacent to their dairyfarm at Broken River.
Given the ground swell of support for our business and the requests for local pasteurised milk we have decided to appeal to the generosity of our community to help us provide what you are asking for. As such, we are looking to raise $100,000 to purchase and install equipment required to pasteurise a portion of our supply of fresh cows milk ready for human consumption.
We are new to the 'crowdfund' concept and appreciate any assistance we can muster.
We would like to thank those who are willing to donate $100 or more with a tour of our other bulk milk factory during a milking.
For those who donate $15 or more, we would like to offer a bottle of pasteurised milk from our new pasteurising factory.
Current Total: $39,653.52
Please click on the donate button below to donate by card or PayPal.
***** Your donation will be refunded, less a small transaction fee, should we not proceed with our pasteuriser project *****