Nestled in the green rolling hills of Eungella, west of Mackay, Eungelladale specialises in bringing milk fresh from the cow to you. Our milk products are unlike any others on the shelf - batch pasteurised and non-homogenised onsite at our dairy then delivered with minimal food miles, so you can ensure that you are getting the best, most fresh, full cream milk around.
Eungelladale is currently distributing its milk to the Mackay region through Bidfood - a firm who specialise in delivering fresh produce to the catering and food service industry.
If you would like to stock Eungelladale Milk, we ask that you please make enquiries through our representative at Bidfood - email: sales.mackay@bidfood.com.au or phone 4952 9444.
If you would like your local coffee shop to use our milk, let them know to add Eungelladale Milk to their next order with Bidfood!
We currently deliver our milk through Bidfood, if you would like to place an order please call:
(07) 4952 9444 or, email our rep at Bidfood: sales.mackay@bidfood.com.au
Milk makers:
Paula and Dale Fortescue
Phone: (07) 4958 4642
Eungelladale Dairy Pty Ltd.
433 Eungella Dam Road, Eungella, Qld 4757